
Hold Yourself Accountable

Hold Yourself Accountable

So this year, after I had set my list of priorities, I decided to simplify. I set only 5 goals, which, coincidentally, meant one goal for each of my priorities. And as I usually do when I set goals, I put a few action steps in place for each one. See, it’s one thing to say, “I want to lose 10 pounds in the next three months.” Then what?

Once you have written down your goals, set up standards to hold yourself accountable for achieving them.  Set a date by which you will do each step necessary to achieve that goal, and then evaluate how close you have come to your goal when the deadline comes.

If you haven't met your goal, then you can re-evaluate and look at why. This can help streamline your business plan and adjust your goals as time goes on, changing things that aren't working and improving on those things that need to be changed to better achieve your plans.

But, it’s another thing to declare your weight loss goal and set up a detailed workout schedule, a meal plan, find an accountability partner and actually make progress toward achieving your goal. Goals don’t just happen on their own, you have to take steps toward them, even if it’s just one little baby step each day.

Once I listed my goals and baby steps, I gave each goal block a space to set a deadline so I would have something to shoot toward, and I also included a little box at the top to give myself a little pep talk and pump myself up for the year. It says, “When I feel like giving up, I will tell myself…” and I can fill in the rest of the box with a prayer, encouraging words, an inspiring quote, a bible verse or whatever I need to feel motivated.

When I feel like giving up, I will tell myself…

You can do this. Setbacks are nothing but teachable moments that will help you going forward. Keep going– you’ll be SO glad you did! YOU GOT THIS!!!

You will find a writing stuff planner here.
Set yourself goals for the year and then break them down into smaller achievable steps to accomplish every week. 

This post is an excerpt from Position Your Brand Email Bootcamp.  I invite you to my FREE 4-Day mini ecourse, "Handle Your Business" for Women in Business. Click here to start today. 

What goal (s) do you need break down into small actionable steps?

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