“Father God, we thank you for your grace and your mercy, for allowing us to be together under your covenant and God we thank you for the revelations and for the breakthroughs; for your direction and for your healing. We thank you God for the opportunity to just be a vessel for your kingdom. God we trust you, we love you, we honor you, and all glory is yours. Amen”

Transformation Garden

There are times when we store certain things. When preparing to travel we start saving magazines or our favorite books. In preparation for the fall and winter we begin to store certain items. 

For instance, for the month of October we may keep a stash of your favorite candy or snack on hand. In November, if we like to bake pumpkin pies or cakes we may pick up extra cans of pumpkin and extra ingredients when shopping. The month of December, we will start picking up items for Christmas brunch, dinner or just entertaining. We always seem to store up things we need for later.

So with that being said, when thinking about how integral Gods word is in our lives, we should and need to store it daily. The Word of God must be kept in front of our eyes, in the midst of our hearts (Proverbs 4:-20-21) and in our mouths (Joshua 1:8).

When we store up God's word, we should think of His word as a precious treasure. And we should draw from this treasure trove, regularly. Do this by keeping the word fresh through memorization and meditation.  As we review passages over and over it should renew our hearts and our minds. What exactly does this renewal process mean?

Next: Why we should store God's Word...

Consider a Purposeful Life 1:1
Vincent and Karen Scott
Live A Healthier Lifestyle


We love community, we encourage community, we are community. The Sisterhood at BrandHerPearl are participating in our outreach, awareness and fundraising campaigns!!  Would you join us.   

So happy to announce our partnership with Armstrong Women's Empowerment Center in Nairobi, Kenya as their International Entrepreneur Mentoring Lead Agency.  They have adopted our Wellness FitMotivation Wellness Series in preparation for their upcoming Women's Wellness Bootcamp and Cycling Event.
Click Here for more info about this exciting partnership!
Clickf Here To Support Their Efforts.

Image may contain: one or more people, tree, outdoor and nature 

Join Our Purse for a Pearl Campaign
Donate a gently used purse or toiletries.
Click Here for Details

Would you like to host
in your city?
Contact us at


Enjoy a great shopping experience, and look and feel your best with products and services from our participating Sisterhood members. Our campaign will run until December 30th.
Support our Sisterhood and Cause.

All Jewelry $5.00 - Nickel and Lead Free
All Necklaces are paired with earrings.

Shop Avon with Ang Robinson

Shop with Dom's Hand Mades and Rock Your Skirt this summer.

Shop with Me, Your Host

Shop with Cherish


We have partnered with (Second Chance Haiti) who are encouraging entrepreneurship among the young people in Haiti. This is amazing!!

This sweet girl is named JD and she is deaf. She has self taught herself to sew and only needed the resources to get started! Last week our team presented this to her and also repaired the broken one she had. Today, JD is preparing items to sell to our teams that come to make an income so that she can begin to provide for herself.  Let's help JD build her business.

Get involved by sending JD sewing supplies to
PO Box 2316 Burlington NC 27216
Mention: Alba Henderson/BrandHerPearl SisterHood.


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