
Hygge Morning Routine

Mornings are my favorite part of the day. I love the stillness of the world and I love watching it. My mornings have become a blend of beauty and intentionality. Perhaps my best part is thaat I can put on something warm and cozy, with my coffee and Bible. I love the ritual of mornings. 

Everything is in order and here has not yet been enough time for something to happen to put a spot on it. Each and every time the sun rises and I see it peeking through, I am reminded that God has promised fresh mercy.

It's the morning when I feel this promise cradle me. I am now a lover of the hygge movement. I love taking beautiful moments and enjoying the simple beauty of the moments. Purposely cultivating a sense of loveliness and beauty is one of the ways I reflect God's character to the world. So arranging a morning routine that combines both my Hygge and my Christian faith has been such a joy. Here are a few of my elements...

My Bible Journal:
A favorite arrangement of my joy, scriptures, words of encouragement and prayers. I carry it everywhere I go. You can imagine how heavy my purse becomes, items also include my daily project planner and calendar, lol. I struggle to journal daily, however I am getting better.

My coffee and coffee mugs:
I love mugs and coffee!! Choosing something beautiful to begin my day with is just one of the ways I cultivate a loveliness in these wee morning hours.

I will add candles and Essential Oils very soon:
I am beginning to appreciate the aromas that come from my daughters room as she uses candles during her time with God. There are many references in the Bible about offering up aromas pleasing to God.

Bible Studies and Books:
There are a few bible studies I have done through the years to guide my study time in my scripture reading time. If I am not working on a specific study topic I read my Daily Scripture book. Currently my mornings have been spent pouring slowly through the book of Jeremiah. After this I spend a few minutes reading through a chapter of a book. I am currently reading The 25 Biblical Laws of Success by William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira. After this quiet time I prepare for breakfast if I haven't had a small piece of something.

Plan your day
Write down your goals on an actual planner. I think there is something powerful about both writing down your goals and being able to look back and reflect on them that is good for the soul. Setting intentions after spending time with the Lord helps you to focus your priorities on what he has said, not what the world is saying.

Your mornings like look very different. You might prefer tea over coffee or a roaring fire to an essential diffuser. Whatever it is that makes your mornings lovely, do it. Enjoy God's creations and long for the world creating, surrounding yourself with those things. What do you do to inspire your Hygge and Faith? What is your life like in the beautiful mornings.

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